Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds
We provide 24 hour Bail services for Duval County in Jacksonville Florida and surrounding counties
Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds
411 E Monroe St #101C
Jacksonville FL 32202
Tel: 904 807-8816
Fax: 904 371-2862
E-mail: kahlersbailbonds@yahoo.com
Our professional agents are well trained and can assist you in getting your loved one released from custody with a minimum amount of paperwork and time. You will only need to pay Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds 10% of what the total bail amount would be, and we will work with you on making financing arrangements if needed.
Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds will also assist the defendant through every step of the process and go to great lengths to guide them through the legal system to make their bail experience easy to understand and comply with. Don't wait any longer, let us help you now! We're responsible for the bonded person while out of jail and pending trial. Striving for prompt, professional, and confidential bail bonds services to you in a caring manner with mutual respect is our trademark. Our clients are the most important part of our business. Contact us for more information. We're conveniently located 2 blocks North of the Duval County Jail in Jacksonville Florida.
Call Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds for all of your bond needs. Kahler's 24/7 Bail Bonds can handle any bonds nationwide. Owned and Operated by Aaron Kahler.
